
Saturday, June 2, 2012


So for mother's day I received two new books for my baking and decorating passion (...or more like obsession ;) !)

The books are Sweet Designs by Amy Atlas and Baby Cakes by Debbie Brown. 

Amy Atlas has a recipe in her book on how to make marshmallows and this has been on my 'to do' list

for a long time. So I decided to make some with the help of my 4.5 yr old son.

It was quite easy but the worst part was the sticky mess at the end! I didn't have my coloring and vanilla

 essence ready and the recipe required you to work real quick as the mixture will set quite quickly.

The recipe worked well and my marshmallows set in 2 hours. It tasted and it wasn't too sweet.

Bear Birthday Cake

Just when I thought I had a week off from cakes, I get a text from my sis-in-law about making a cake for my niece's 1st birthday party this weekend.

As a last minute creation, I decided to make a bear cake using my left over pastel fondant from my recent cakes.

I also used this opportunity to improve my stripe decoration skills and also practice using my pasta roller to roll out the fondant. 

I love the colors and its one of my all time favorite color combinations!

Close-up of purple baby bear.

Close-Up of Mama Bear. 

Close-Up of playful pink baby bear...very cute!